We think with words, communicate with words, and do all we can to explain our lives and the world around us through this medium. But sometimes the words we reach for are not capable of capturing what actually exists before us. Many times we are witnessing something unexplainable, and find ourselves speechless.
Art is a way of communicating beyond the limits of language.
I was born in Thessaloniki, Greece and currently live in Athens. I have always loved the intersection of art and technology. I studied electrical engineering at University of Thessaloniki and physics at Paris XI, while painting and creating artwork (BA of honours in Fine Arts & Technology, Middlesex University, UK). At first, these two worlds were separate and distinct for me, but overtime I started to combine and merge these two complementary realities-the structured and the freeform.
Light plays a central role in my work. It is the medium that illuminates all concepts and ideas. The seen and the unseen.
I work as an active artist in painting, multimedia, and interactive installations with several years of experience as a telecom engineer.
Artist Statement
In my paintings, I capture and record what I feel exists. I use unique codes to describe the structure of the visual elements and the products of interaction among them that escape our direct perception. This allows you to render visible what was previously invisible and unspoken.In my work as an artist, I try to go beyond the appearance of things. To capture and render not only the surface of reality, but also it’s deeper human signification. The poetic essence of things, both what I see and I feel exists.
My work creates the ability to translate the essence of things, using colors, lines, forms, textures, lights and shadows as my tools.
My paintings portray both figures and landscapes, varying from aquamarine seas to bright red nights, and from colorful feminine and masculine figures inside modern complexes to various abstract themes. I use oil, acrylics and ink.
A very special to me category of artworks, are my light boxes. They combine painting and artificial light to create a unique and engaging luminous picture. These paintings are aesthetically rich, full of textures and colors and they fill the surrounding space with a gentle colorful aura.
A main source of inspiration is the combination of art and technology, due to the endless possibilities for expression, creation, innovation and research it has to offer. The synthesis of art and technology is for me a fascinating domain of research and practice. My artistic repertoire includes digital imagery, web design and interactive constructions.
Light plays a central part in my work. I use it as the medium that gives shape and form to the underlying concepts and ideas. In my installations,the light may change its rhythm, color, and pattern or be projected on its surroundings and form shapes and shadows.
I hope you find something here that sparks your imagination and creates a whole new language where before there was none.
2024-2025 Commission’s Art Club, Berlaymont Cafeteria, Brussels
2024 Unity in Diversity, Hall Atrium, Brussels
2024 Fall in Art, European Commission Art Club, CCAB, Brussels
2024 Spring, Sotiropoulos Art Gallery, Athens
2024 Friends, Art Estate, Chalandri, Athens
2023 Inspiring Europe, Hall Atrium, Brussels
2022 Giantes, Vryssaki, Plaka, Athens
2021 Women, ArteVisione Gallery, Athens
2021 Two centuries of liberty, Mesogaia Arts Association, Former Kampas Winery Building, Pallini
2020 Symbiosis, Mesogaia Arts Association, Former Kampas Winery Building, Pallini
2019 From Above, Mesogaia Arts Association, Former Kampas Winery Building, Pallini
2019 A Flower for a Poem, Aqua Gallery, Art Hotel, Santorini
2018 Kampas, Mesogaia Arts Association, Former Kampas Winery Building, Pallini
2018 Art 10 Gallery, Athens
2018 The Art, Myself, Depot Art Gallery
2018 Aeriofos, Technopolis City of Athens
2017 Terra Incognita, MalouArt Gallery, Athens
2017 Engineers create, while painting, Olympic Municipal Art Gallery of Maroussi “Spyros Louis”, Athens
2017 Aegean Blue, Agios Athanasios Cultural Center, Paros Island
2017 Meso-gaia, Iannis Pantazidis/Marble Art Center, Athens
2016 Nighscapes, Art.estate Gallery, Halandri
2015 The Kavvadia’s legendary, Group Ante Portas, Chili Art Gallery, Athens
2015 In Lavrio, Mesogaia Arts Association, Foundry building, Lavrio
2015 The artistic expression of women engineers, Art.estate Gallery, Halandri
2014 The era of bourgeois, Artscape Athens and Art 10 Gallery, Athens
2013 Open Doors II, graduate works AKTO Report, Technopolis Athens
2013 Transitions, Booze Cooperativa, Athens
2012 Art of chance, Cultural Centre – University Lounge ‘Kostis Palamas, Athens
2012 Painting exhibition, Cultural Center of Peania
2012 Painting exhibition, Greek-French Association, Athens
2011 BA Degree Group Show, Akto Art & Design College, Athens
2010 Painting exhibition, Former Kampas Winery Building, Pallini
2009 Post-formations I, Foundation Antonio Dal Ponte, Venice, Italy
2009 Painting exhibition, Former Kampas Winery Building, Pallini
2008 Snow much and Happy New World, Group Ante Portas, Bookstore Janus, Athens
2008 Dimitris Maninis and the look of his students, Periaktoi Theatre, Athens
2005 Photokymves, Alekton gallery, Athens